Wayuunaiki is spoken by the Wayuu indigenous people of La Guajira, Colombia. People whose beliefs, culture, and stories will be shared piece by piece in our newsletters. So you can know exactly who you’re helping and how your support is creating a positive impact in the life of the Wayuu communities. Your donations go directly towards our projects to aid our 11 partner communities and its people. Below are a few of the things we have been up to; all thanks to the monthly support and trust you have dedicated to the cause.  

We thank you for your continuous support and hope you enjoy our very first Newsletter! 

Our world has faced lots of challenges in the past few months due to the pandemic and the realities it still has. Nonetheless, now more than ever we are seeking to provide our Wayuu indigenous communities with the basic resources they need to protect themselves and thrive during these tough times. At NuevaLife, we are taking on the challenge head on and persevering  for our communities and our people. Here is a little something of that passion driven work we have done in the last 3 months. We hope that this news lightens up your day and that you too can join forces with us so we can continue to have a positive impact in our eleven communities in La Guajira, Colombia. Communities that are extremely rural and poverty driven that without our joint efforts will continue to suffer greatly during these unprecedented times.

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